Traditional/Casket Interments
Family / Group
Cremation Interment/Placement Options
Niche Placement
Cremation Plots
Regulations Regarding Memorials And Markers
Traditional/Casket Interments
Through wise land management and landscape planning since 1950, Rosewood Memorial Garden’ unique environment continues to accommodate and offer existing and new families options for their choice of traditional interment. With interment rights assigned to single or multiple graves, families have the opportunity to combine cremation interments with traditional interments. Memorialized with a flat bronze memorial plaque (available for purchase at Rosewood Memorial Gardens), families gain the opportunity to place an artistically personalized lasting memorial. Casket or “outer” concrete liners are required at Rosewood Memorial Gardens and may be purchased at the time of interment. You are welcome to contact us regarding any concerns or questions you may have regarding traditional burials and arrangements.
Single graves are available throughout the cemetery. We will always assist families by providing a tour of the Cemetery so that the benefits of each section can be demonstrated and explained. We will ensure that you are comfortable with your selection. We will even explain what is involved in selecting the most appropriate bronze memorial plaque. Contact us for more information.
Double graves are typically available side by side at Rosewood Memorial Gardens . Traditionally intended to accommodate side by side casket interments, double graves remain popular options. Like single graves, they are available throughout the cemetery. Double graves typically will allow for a larger memorial plaque and we are available to assist in the plaque selection. Please note that Rosewood Memorial Gardens does not offer “double depth” graves. Contact us for more information.
Family / Group
Like times of old, Family plots continue to be available for purchase. Large or multi-generation families may purchase plots at Rosewood Memorial Gardens. The plots provide peace of mind to you or your family with the knowledge that they and future generation have been provided for. Let us know what your needs are and we will be happy to assist you by guiding you through the process so that you completely comfortable with your selection. If your family or previous generations have already reserved a family plot at Rosewood Memorial Gardens, only the person named on the official deed or grant of interment rights may authorize any and all interments. If you are unsure if you are able to authorize an interment in and old family plot or require more information about purchasing a family plot, contact us for assistance.
Cremation Interment/Placement Options
At Rosewood Memorial Gardens, we are aware of the emerging popularity of cremation. Our strong commitment to serving our community means we are planning and will be offering new and varying options of cremation interment. In-ground urn interments may take place in cremation lots, or a family grave. Families additionally have the choice of placing urns within one of our communal columbaria that are located in the cemetery. All of our options are available for families with an immediate need or for families who see the benefit in pre-selecting.
Niche Placement
Columbaria, plural of columbarium, have become a popular option at Rosewood Memorial Gardens over the past couple of decades. Due to the growing request for more options, we have listened and are planning to expand our offering. The public will soon be able choose from some of the most unique and elegant styles available in the Westman area. In general, Columbaria are permanent granite structures of varying shapes, colours and sizes that are subdivided into compartments or niches for the purpose of permanently housing one or two urns. Columbaria have become focal and attractive above ground features. Niches are available within community columbaria and soon, smaller private family columbarium will be available. Please contact us for more information regarding our wide selection.
Cremation Plots
Cremation plots are intended for cremation burials only and are offered in limited sections of the Cemetery. Varying with the section and the landscape that has been developed, cremation plots are smaller than a traditional grave and memorialized with a variety of flat marker styles. By contacting the Cemetery, we will be happy to assist you with more information.
This is an example of an older bronze plaque on a concrete base that has been refinished and placed on a polished granite foundation by Rosewood Memorial Gardens. Bronze will last forever but if not protected from the elements with a finish will tarnish or patina. New finishes are much more durable and are expected last at least 50 years without significant fading. The polished granite foundations are of the hardest stones available and should never crack or chip under normal conditions.

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Regulations Regarding Memorials And Markers
Rosewood Memorial Gardens is a perpetual care cemetery our community and generations to come will always enjoy as a beautiful living legacy of those whose names are found memorialized here.
To maintain an open park-like setting we require all markers or memorials to be cast in pure bronze, mounted to a polished granite base, and set flush to the lawn. Together the bronze and granite form a permanent memorial of two of the most durable materials available.
To ensure uniformity in size, design, and quality all memorials installed in the Memorial Gardens are strictly regulated. Rosewood Memorial Gardens is operated in perpetual trust for the lot owners and their families and is maintained on a non-profit basis. Although government regulated, we receive no funding from any level of government. We rely on the sale of memorials to support the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the cemetery. All memorials purchased from the Memorial Gardens are of the highest quality and are warranted by the manufacturer against defects in material and workmanship for 50 years.
If a family does not wish to purchase the memorial through the Memorial Gardens then they must contact our office to receive detailed specifications of the sizes and types of memorials permitted and obtain the necessary installation form. All memorials, whether purchased from the Memorial Gardens or not, must be installed by our staff and will receive the same Perpetual Care such as trimming grass from around the memorial, keeping the memorial level and aligned, moving vases when mowing, and repairing any damage caused by our maintenance equipment. Perpetual Care however, does not cover loss or damage due to theft, vandalism, or weather and other acts beyond our control. These events however have been very rare over the history of the cemetery.
Installation and Perpetual Care are included in the price we charge for memorials. However if memorials are purchased from an outside supplier then an additional regulated fee of $1.20 per square inch of the top surface area of the granite base plus $120 for any attached bronze vase must be paid to the Memorial Gardens for their installation and Perpetual Care.
For an appointment to make a selection or for more information, please telephone our office at 725-2061 any time.
Rosewood Memorial Gardens is a government regulated and licensed cemetery privately operated and maintained on a non-profit basis in Perpetual Trust for its lot owners.